Our Courses


Program Objectives:
These courses are ideal for professionals that provide services to children or youth with addiction or mental health issues including: Physicians, Social Workers, Nurses, Counsellors, Psychologists.
By the end of these courses, participants will be equipped to:

  • Manage the mental health needs of their young patients
  • Engage in inter-professional dialogue among health care providers treating or working with child and adolescent mental health problems.

Courses are offered in two different formats.

  1. Category A: Our CME Accredited content will continue to be offered through the University of Calgary’s D2L platform. Links to the University of Calgary are available in the Category A page below.
  2. Category B: Our previously offered content is offered in-house, on the CPD website. Category B content may be eligible for credits in different categories – please check with your regulatory college for specifics. 

We are always happy to help if you have questions.

Please click on the content area below for specifics about each content group and course calendars.



Featured Courses

Single Session techniques for narrowing goals, utilizing a patient's existing strengths and matching interventions to a client's state of change

By the end of this course, participants will be equipped to:

  1. Asses a client’s state of change with regards to their presenting concern and explain how to match recommendations to that state
  2. Describe how to utilize a client’s pre-existing strength to support their presenting concern
  3. Explain how to narrow and define a client’s goals and desires for treatment of their presenting concern

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Course Calendars